Monday, January 8, 2018

Day 1: Reckless Love

And we are off! I woke up this morning with a song in my heart the moment my eyes opened, “Arise and shine and give God the glory, glory!” To say we are full of excitement is a huge understatement. Overwhelmed by the ample amount of luggage, paperwork, snacks, iPads, cameras, etc...but oh so excited!! We are just two days shy of meeting our Ethiopian son. We have prayed and dreamed for this day for years now. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, the Lord releases a bounty of goodness. He’s such a good, good Father. Six years was definitely not what we thought we were signing up for. Honestly, we thought it would be a quick process. Just when I was growing faint-hearted, my husband reminded me that we are in this to the end. Even if that means the end was not what we had planned. He is so wise. Just what my heart needed in that moment to be set free. We were in it until the end. Praise God the end involves us bringing our son home!
I’m amazed as I can now look back and get a glimpse of the Lord’s perfect timing. I had a few moments this morning to pause and sit in the Father’s presence. A time to remember why we are leaving our two daughters and flying to the other side of the world. There is one who needs us. He needs a family. And we need him to be apart of ours.
We had a house full of our dear community at our house last night to prayer over our family. We worshipped to the song Reckless Love. It was the perfect song. The one thing I have been wrestling with is leaving my daughters. If you know me, you know I don’t like being away from my kids for very long. I just really really enjoy them. They are God’s generous gift to me. I was reminded last night how the Father “leaves the 99 to rescue the 1”. He deeply loves the 99, but the 1 is in need. He is separated from the family, lost, and alone.
We don’t deserve to be rescued by God, but still He chooses to recklessly love us and bring us into His Kingdom Family. Oh my, how good He is to us!
So, we are headed out on a jet plane this morning!! It took a village (huge shout out to my precious mother for sacrificially caring for our girls and my friend Becca for the ride to the airport, the drive back to our house to grab mine and Cannon’s stash of food for the next 48 allergies 🙄...and the race back to deliver them to me minutes before we boarded our plane!) what would we do without our community of Belivers who love our family as their own. Reckless love.

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